And he told me that it's over, dumb decision
Album: My 21st Century Blues
Artist: Raye
Label: Human Re Sources
Non-Airable Tracks: Oscar Winning Tears., Hard Out Here., Black Mascara., Escapism., Mary Jane., The Thrill Is Gone., Ice Cream Man., Flip A Switch., Body Dysmorphia., Environmental Anxiety., Five Star Hotels. (feat. Mahalia), Buss It Down.
Raye's debut studio album has come just in time for this lonely lady's Valentine's Day. My 21st Century Blues is a genre-bending dance album that channels Raye's pain and frustration -- with men, society, and self. Thirteen songs (plus a jazz club inspired introduction and conclusion) that span genres from EDM to jazz to contemporary hip-hop. Raye's powerful vocals support songs like "Oscar Winning Tears." and "Mary Jane." I especially appreciate the emotional vulnerability on songs like "Ice Cream Man." and "Body Dysmorphia." Delving into the dark themes of sexual harassment and violence as well as hating being in your own skin, Raye's music appeals to a wide base of listeners. When Raye performed "Ice Cream Man." for a British audience at a recent concert, fans left in tears. Musicians only owe us music; They don't need to open up or be intimate about their personal lives and problems. Raye takes personal intimacy one step further for this collection of songs. This is a break-up album yes, but also explores a broad variety of issues such as feeling overlooked in your career, addiction, and self-loathing. Raye's debut album comes to us one year after her departure from Polydor Records, the label she had been with for seven years. This album - while very danceable and high energy - is a step in a new direction for Raye who had previously been labeled the "dance singles artist" by Polydor. These songs show a new depth and vocal range for the artist. Everyone knows "Escapism." now that it has blown up on TikTok, but the rest of the album is definitely worth a listen.
Sounds Like:
Ellie Goulding
Jax Jones
Amy Winehouse
Recommended Tracks:
Hard Out Here.
Black Mascara.
The Thrill Is Gone.
Five Star Hotels. (feat. Mahalia)
Reviewer’s Name: Sophia Troetel
Date of Review: February 6, 2023