Album: Pieces of a Man
Artist: Mick Jenkins
Genre: #HipHop
Sub-Genres: #Jazzyrap, #funk
Label: Cinematic Music Group
Over the course of the first few weeks of October, Mick Jenkins gifted his followers of the FreeNation notice that something was coming, and that it had been brewing for quite some time in the lab. “Understood” follows a long stream of singles released from the emcee throughout the course of last year and has since continued to pour into this year in the form of his now released album, Pieces of a Man. This track is featured as the second to last on the album, and acts as a testament to Jenkins’ hard hitting lyrical prowess, as well as the second to last single prior to the album’s recent release of just last Friday, October 26th.
I think it is safe to say that Mick Jenkins has had no trouble staying busy. The KAYTRANADA produced joint gives his listeners a slice of life into the busy spectrum of finding time for family, friends, and focusing attention on a respective craft. In the music video for
“Understood”, we see the rapper himself up close and personal with the camera as a means of leveling with the listener, and ensuring they understand the message he is getting across.
The Chicago native is no stranger to laying down the law in the form of poetic rap over sometimes unconventional beats, and it’s no secret that KAYTRANADA and Mick Jenkins go way back ever since The Healing Component, so to see them together on a solo record and the album itself means that we’ve got a piece of gold right here in Pieces of a Man. Our review of the album will be coming out soon, in the meantime, check out “Understood”, below:
Sounds Like: Kirk Knight, KAYTRANADA, THEMPeople
Reviewer’s Name: Maximilian Serventi
Date of Review: 10/31/18