Collaberative content, written, edited, and produced by members of the KAMP Student Radio
The Past Week On Campus
Written by: Rhiannon S Cox
Published: September 23, 2021
Monday, September 20th marks the start of the Study Abroad Fair week!
Throughout the week, students can attend drop-in advising sessions as well as panels
discussing topics such as the application process and student life abroad. This is all
leading up to the Party at UA Global, featuring activities, music, food, and a raffle for a
$1,000 study abroad scholarship.
Every week, Campus Health is offering students and faculty free COVID-19
vaccinations throughout the Fall semester. The vaccination site is open Tuesdays, 9
A.M. to 12 P.M. and Thursdays from 12 P.M. to 3 P.M.
On Thursday, September 23rd, the Center for Creative Photography will be open
to the public from noon until 7 P.M. and will showcase the redesigned Alice Chaiten
Baker Interdisciplinary Gallery. In addition, guests will be able to view gallery
installations, listen to music, and enjoy food provided by the CCP.
Friday, September 24th is the first day of Career Days, a career fair for students
hosted virtually. From 1 to 4 P.M., students can speak to employers in commerce and
management, regardless of their major. The following meetings will be held during the
week of September 27th. Those interested can register for the virtual meeting via
Handshake. Friday is also the opening night of the Art of Planetary Science exhibition at
6 P.M. in the Kuiper Space Science Building. Tucson-based band Day trails will be
performing and the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association will operate telescopes for
The Past Week Locally
Written by: Ashley Arleen Avila
Published: September 23, 2021
It’s officially Fall as of Wednesday, September 23rd and temperatures are finally no longer bursting past 100 degrees. This weekend is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy the lower temperatures. If you’re looking for a chance to go for a hike, this Saturday is National Public Lands Day which means there will be plenty of opportunities to do so for free. National Public Lands day has been happening since 1994 and is a way to show appreciation for federally owned lands in the United States.
In Tucson, both Saguaro National Park locations will be waiving their $15 to $25 entrance fees in celebration of the event. Saguaro National Park is a wonderful recreation site here in Tucson and is one of the only national parks in America devoted to a single species. At only 20 minutes away from the University of Arizona, it’s the perfect place to visit for a short day trip. But first, you would have to decide if you want to go East or West to begin your adventure.
Taking to the West, you’ll encounter low lying and dense saguaro forest. While there are fewer hiking trails here, this park is right next to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. If you’re an early riser who needs more activity, the museum is open until 2 pm, so stop by while you’re there. Bonus: there’s an aquarium! Sticking to the park, though, you can choose to hike the Signal Hill Trail, a half-mile walk with hundreds of petroglyphs along the path. While there, think about packing a lunch and eating it at one of the various scenic picnic areas in the park. Take plenty of pictures, too.
If you veer to the East, the drive from the University of Arizona area is a little longer, but you’ll be greeted by old saguaros that dot the landscape. Best of all, there’s a sweet dessert ecology trail that acts as a good introduction to the plants and animals you might find here in the Sonoran Desert. If you’d prefer other modes of travel than hiking, the park has some nice scenic drives and biking trails.
Regardless of which park you decide to visit, both give a great introduction to the wonderful Tucson outdoors. Dust off some hiking boots and save money to visit our local national park this weekend. Don’t forget to pack a water bottle, some sunscreen, and a good music player.
The Past Week International
Written by: Fabiana Delgadillo
Published: September 23, 2021
Koalas have always been the iconic animal of Australia but recently there has been a sharp decline in their population. In just the past three years, the population of koalas has decreased by 30% due to bushfires and drought.
These herbivores dwell mostly in the eastern and southern sides of Australia. From 1888 to 1927 these creatures have been hunted down for their fur. It wasn’t until 2012 that Koalas were listed as a “vulnerable species” in Australia.
Koalas are now extinct in 47 Australian electorates. For the few places that do contain kolas, there was no indication of a population increase. There was a 41% decline in the koala population in New South Wales. On September 24, 2021, comments on the recovery plan, which will state if the koalas’ population protection status should be raised from “vulnerable” to “endangered, for New South Wales, Queensland, and the Australian Capital Territory” will be due.
For more information on the above stories visit the links below:
"Master Calendar." The University of Arizona News. 24 Aug. 2021. Web. 23 Sept.
“National Public Lands Day.” Official Website of the City of Tucson, 19 Sept. 2016,
“Saguaro National Park Pay User Fees.” National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior,
Smith, Shaine, and Michael Lambert. “Insider's Guide to Saguaro National Park.” RootsRated, 10 July 2016,
Fernando, Christine. “‘In rapid decline': Australia has lost 30% of its koalas in just 3 years, the foundation says.” Accessed 20 Sept. 2021
Redmayne, James.”Australia has lost one-third of its koalas in the past three years” Accessed 21 Sept. 2021
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