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Single Review: "Working For the Knife"

Single Review: “Working For The Knife”

Album: The Only Heartbreaker

Artist: Mitski

Label: Dead Oceans

Mitski, I am starting to wonder if you’re stalking me because these lyrics cut way too deep. I’m going to be honest. I am probably not the most qualified person to be talking about music. (I’m definitely the least qualified, to be even more honest.) However the lyrics are just too personal, I can’t not be the person who talks about them. Time and time again, this woman- this woman verbalizes exactly how I cannot express myself. “Working For The Knife” scrutinizes the unpleasantries of sacrificing your dreams in order to succeed in a capitalist society. (I learned that word off of Instagram infographics- I don’t actually know what it means in real life.) Now correct if I’m wrong- and maybe also slap me around a little, just for the heck of it- but I sort of get a real fun, dance-y, 80’s feel to the actual production of the song. Again, let me know if I’m wrong. However, I will lose all motor functions at the sight of any sort of criticism, though. I will now rank my favorite lyrics in order of least to most likely to put me back in therapy.

5. I cry at the start of every movie // I guess 'cause I wish I was making things too

4. I always thought the choice was mine // And I was right but I just chose wrong

3. I used to think I would tell stories // But nobody cared for the stories I had

2. I used to think I'd be done by twenty // Now at twenty-nine, the road ahead appears the same // Though maybe at thirty I'll see a way to change // That I'm living for the knife

1. I always knew the world moves on // I just didn't know it would go without me// I start the day high and it ends so low

Somehow, Mitski seemed to perfectly capture the feeling of being a cog in the machine. It sucks. But in a way, it helps to feel less alone. Growing up, I had dreams of going into film and creating art and the whole she-bang. But all of a sudden, I’m in college, still growing up. I’m across the country not creating, not doing anything I said I would do when I was growing up. And then again, without remembering how, I’m back in Arizona again. But who knows, I turn twenty soon and what have I done?

Sounds Like:

  1. Car Seat Headrest

  2. Angel Olson

  3. Weyes Blood

Dom Gonzales

Nov 22, 2021

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