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JoJo Rabbit Review

Director: Taika Waititi

Production Company: Fox Searchlight / TSG

Release Date: November 8, 2019 Rating: PG 13


Though Taika Waititi’s Hunt for the Wilderpeople will always hold a special place in my heart, Jojo Rabbit is definitely a close second. The film follows Johannes, a young boy who gets through his days and insecurities by finding support and companionship in his imaginary friend, Adolf Hitler.

I have to admit, I was somewhat worried about watching the film, seeing as many things could go wrong due to the parody aspect overlaid with the atrocities of World War II and the Holocaust. Nevertheless, I felt that the movie avoided the wrong turns for the most part, and instead presented a captivating and heart-wrenching plot about the dangers of blind nationalism. With an excellent performance by Scarlett Johansson and some interesting cameos from Rebel Wilson and Sam Rockwell, Jojo Rabbit did not disappoint. Whether it was the intensely crazy humor laced with such a serious (and relevant!) topic, or the myriad of colors in the film that draw audiences in, there is something for everyone in Jojo Rabbit.

Reviewer: Arielle Devorah

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