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DJ Spotlight – Chloe Hislop

This week’s DJ Spotlight is none other than neuroscience major, fashionista, and frequent concert-goer, Chloe Hislop! Read her interview below!

What can listeners expect to hear from your show?

Me, stuttering. No. You can expect to hear some bops and also, I talk about shows that I’ve gone to. I try to play songs and then talk about if I’ve seen the artist live or something about the album that is important to me.

Do you have any song recommendations?

  1. Feeling Lonely by Boy Pablo – I drove back to Tucson from Scottsdale yesterday and the song played as a recommendation. Boy Pablo isn’t the world’s greatest lyricist but he puts out bops.

  2. Chinatown by Wild Nothing – It’s chill, which a lot of people say but what does that really mean?

  3. Season 9, Episode 2-3 by Mom Jeans. – I saw them live two weeks ago

  4. I Know How You Get by Mk.Gee – Starts shoegaze and slow but picks up into 70s-themed music

  5. Two Extra Pumps of Bliss by Enjoy

How do you find the music you listen to?

I start with recommendations from friends and then go from there. Listen to artists that Spotify recommends you and then go from that. I frequently listen to the Discover Weekly and Daily Mixes; they throw in some new songs.

If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?

“Pure Heroine” by Lorde. It came out in 2013 but her lyrics sum up what it’s like to be a suburban teenager so well. It may be dumb, but I don’t really care. She is so smart! I have a hard time explaining why I like this album so much. The way it makes me feel is Lorde has my heart cupped in her hands and she’s like “Me too.” But, I’m not sure I found my be-all favorite album. I’m still on the search for my favorite.


  1. Landmark by Hippo Campus – One of those albums that I didn’t stop listening to it for months. Got in my car put it on shuffle and listened to it for days and days

What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?

The best concert I’ve ever been to… I don’t listen to the 1975 as much anymore and they’re more culty than they were in the past. However, they put on the best show because they have James Turrell do their lighting. They do these big LED boxes that change based on their song. For “Medicine” they would do a city scape behind them. It’s just so much fun. I have seen them in concert 4 times and all times were in Phoenix which is crazy cause artists don’t come to Phoenix that often.

What’s your favorite KAMP memory?

Last semester I did a talk show every Monday with Gabby Ranger and Jordan Rowley and both of them transferred to ASU. We had so much fun doing the talk show. It was a nice break from everything and an hour where we could relax and talk about anything. We would laugh and make other people laugh.

Tune in to her show Tuesdays at 7pm here on!​​​

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